Faculty Feature: Cory Quailes
Dec. 11, 2024
From Retail to Academia

What inspired you to pursue a career in retail/academia?
I started my career in fashion and retail right out of college, but it is not what I studied in school. Growing up the way I did, in an immigrant refugee family from Vietnam, the thought of studying anything that didn't come with the opportunity for a high salary was a dream. However, as I was going through my top-secret clearance to work in intelligence after graduation, I stumbled upon the opportunity to enter the buying training program for one of

Macy's department store brands. Fashion, art, and design were just hobbies when I was in school. I didn't know I could make a career of it until I did.
Academia has always been an integral part of my life. As a first-generation college student, education became my only way to move up in the world. It only made sense that I became a professor after graduate school. I became a professor so I could work with students who needed education the way I needed it. That's why I take my job so seriously. I hope to empower my students to always grow and to do better.
What's your favorite memory from your time at U of A?
I tend to focus on the everyday small things, like when I have conversations with students about things that are more than just what they're learning in the classroom. I enjoy hearing about what my students and colleagues are doing that excites them. But if I had to choose, I really enjoyed being a part of the Design Challenge we did in the spring of 2024, when I got to see not only my RCSC students but also students across the university get excited about solving a problem impacting our community.

Outside of work, what's your favorite way to spend your free time?
I see myself as a life learner. I taught myself how to cook cuisine from all over the world and often throw dinner parties. I love travel and enjoy taking trips with my family. We're heading to Iceland this summer. It's a first for all of us! I also recently started a Master of Social Work program so I could be better at understanding my students and the world that impacts them. Learning is more than just fun to me; it helps me feel more connected to the world.